Brösarp Hike

Are you excited to celebrate the arrival of spring in the best possible way? Do you want to get away from studying for a while? Or do you just want to stretch your legs a bit?

Then you should join the Outdoor Committee's upcoming hike around Brösarp.

WHEN: 4/5 07:05 - 5/5 17:00-ish

WHERE: We meet at Lund C, outside Pressbyrån by the main entrance, and then take the train to Brösarp torparebron together. 

PRICE: 150 SEK (1 breakfast, 1 dinner, 1 lunch included), bring your own lunch for Saturday. Train and bus tickets are not included in the price.

EXPERIENCE LEVEL: Beginner to experienced




* You need to be a member of Lunds Extremsportarsällskap and the facebook group LESS Members to join the event. You can become a member here:

**Please note that the sign up and payment is binding, and no refunds will be made due to for example sickness. If so, please send LESS a message on Facebook or email us at, and we will try to help you find a reserve that wants to buy your spot.

*** Insurance: Please note that all activities will be done at your own risk. LESS will not be liable for any injuries.


Lunds Extremsportarsällskap är en förening ansluten till Akademiska föreningen (AF)

Planned occasions
1. v.18 Lör 4/5 07:05 - 07:05 ()

City: Lund

When: Lör 07.05 - lör 07.05

Start: 2024-05-04 (idag)

Price: 150 kr

Organizer: LESS

Membership: Required

LESS 802458-8637

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